Vermont State Parks

Title: Exploring the Natural Wonders of Vermont State Parks

Welcome to Vermont, a state known for its stunning natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities. From rolling hills and picturesque lakes to dense forests and breathtaking mountain ranges, Vermont offers a diverse range of landscapes that are best experienced in its state parks. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey through some of the most captivating state parks in Vermont, highlighting their unique features, activities, and natural wonders. So grab your hiking boots, pack your picnic basket, and get ready to explore the great outdoors!

1. Green Mountain National Forest: A Wilderness Escape

Nestled in the heart of Vermont, the Green Mountain National Forest is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. With over 400,000 acres of pristine wilderness, this park offers a multitude of recreational activities, including hiking, camping, fishing, and wildlife watching. Immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature as you traverse the forest’s extensive trail network, leading you to hidden waterfalls, panoramic vistas, and secluded camping spots.

2. Mount Mansfield State Forest: Scaling the Summit

For those seeking a challenge, Mount Mansfield State Forest is the place to be. Home to Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield, this park offers exhilarating hiking trails that lead to breathtaking summit views. Lace up your boots and embark on the popular Long Trail, a 272-mile footpath that traverses the spine of Vermont, or opt for the shorter but equally rewarding Sunset Ridge Trail. At the top, be prepared to be awe-struck by the panoramic vistas of the surrounding valleys and mountains.

3. Lake Champlain Islands: A Lakeside Paradise

Escape to the Lake Champlain Islands, a picturesque archipelago nestled in the northern reaches of Vermont. This chain of islands offers a unique blend of rural charm, stunning sunsets, and endless water-based activities. Whether you prefer kayaking, fishing, or simply lounging on the beach, the Lake Champlain Islands have something for everyone. Don’t forget to explore the quaint towns that dot the islands, where you can indulge in local cuisine and immerse yourself in the island way of life.

4. Quechee State Park: Nature’s Masterpiece

Prepare to be amazed by the natural wonder that is Quechee Gorge, often referred to as the “Grand Canyon of Vermont.” Located in Quechee State Park, this 165-foot-deep gorge carved by the Ottauquechee River offers a dramatic backdrop for hiking, picnicking, and photography. Take a leisurely stroll along the gorge’s rim and marvel at the sheer power of nature as the river rushes below. For a bird’s-eye view, hike down to the bottom of the gorge and cross the historic Quechee Gorge Bridge.

5. Smugglers’ Notch State Park: A Hidden Gem

Tucked away in the heart of the Green Mountains, Smugglers’ Notch State Park is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This park is renowned for its rugged beauty, towering cliffs, and challenging hiking trails. Explore the narrow, winding road that winds through the notch, or venture off the beaten path and discover hidden waterfalls and serene swimming holes. Keep an eye out for wildlife, as the park is home to a variety of species, including black bears and moose.

6. Camel’s Hump State Park: A Hiker’s Paradise

Rising majestically on the horizon, Camel’s Hump is one of Vermont’s most iconic peaks. Located within Camel’s Hump State Park, this mountain offers a hiking experience like no other. Choose from a range of trails, each offering its own unique challenges and rewards. As you ascend, you’ll be rewarded with breathtaking views of the surrounding Green Mountains and the Champlain Valley. Don’t forget to pack a camera, as the summit provides the perfect backdrop for capturing memories.

7. Molly Stark State Park: History and Recreation

Named after the wife of Revolutionary War General John Stark, Molly Stark State Park offers a mix of history and outdoor recreation. Explore the remnants of the Catamount Trail, a historic route used by Native Americans and early settlers, or embark on a leisurely stroll along the park’s nature trails. Picnic areas and a swimming pond provide the perfect setting for a family outing, while camping facilities allow you to immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of the park.


Vermont State Parks offer a gateway to the natural wonders and outdoor adventures that make this state truly special. Whether you’re seeking a challenging hike, a peaceful picnic spot, or simply a place to reconnect with nature, Vermont’s state parks have it all. From the rugged beauty of the Green Mountain National Forest to the serene lakeside paradise of the Lake Champlain Islands, each park offers a unique experience that will leave you in awe of Vermont’s natural splendor. So, pack your bags, embrace the spirit of adventure, and embark on a journey through Vermont’s state parks – you won’t be disappointed!